Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Day I Almost Met Paul McCartney and James Taylor

     When you live in Utah you have many opportunities to meet celebrities.   I'm not a star chaser, but I've had a few encounters with the rich and famous over the years.  I've also almost had a few encounters with others.  These types of encounters make good dinner table conversation when you run out of things to talk about.  Lets start from the beginning.

     There are 3 types of encounters with the rich and famous.  There is the "I saw them", "I met them", and the "I almost met them".   An interesting  part of these meetings is that while they can be memorable for us, the person we meet usually remembers nothing about the encounter.

     When I was in elementary school  we went on vacation and visited Universal Studios in California.   Halfway through the studio tour actor Telly Savalas walked out of a building, jumped into a limo, and zoomed off around the corner.  I had gotten a camera for Christmas that year and got a photograph of his bald head.  I was so pleased ------ until I got back to school in the fall, told about my adventure, and found out that it was a Telly Savalas look alike, and that everyone that took the tour that summer saw him.

     My daughter Tessa loves Bryan Adams and the two of us started traveling to his concerts when she turned 16.  We went to concerts in Lincoln NE, Boise ID, Modesto CA, and Seattle WA.  At one concert we will walking towards the venue when the tour bus came driving by with Bryan Adams hanging out one of the side windows.  He was going slow enough to shout out to the fans and wave.   My daughter was very pleased that we were able to be so close to him, and that he smiled and waved at her.

     While visiting Park City one winter for dinner we saw Meredith Baxter walking her children in a stroller down the other side of the street.

     While visiting one of my customers, NBC Studios in Burbank, I was taken on a private tour of the Studio and got to walk through a bunch of show sets, stand in front of the Tonight Show stage, walk down the hall where the private dressing rooms are, and visit the Green Room where guests wait before they go on the show.  That afternoon there weren't any tickets to see the show so they arranged for me to sit in one of the control booths.  Harrison Ford was the main guest that evening.

The next type of encounters with the Rich and Famous are the kind where you actually get to meet them.  Here are my "I met them" encounters.

Reese Stein - Outdoor Reporter
I served on a committee briefly with Reese Stein of Channel 2 news helping organize and plan a cub scout troup for the local homeless shelter.

Bill Gephardt - Consumer Reporter
     I stood behind Bill Gephardt the consumer reporter in line at a local Chinese Restaurant while we waited to be seated.  We chatted briefly and had a polite conversation.

Marc Eubank - Meteorologist
     I waited in line for a movie in Bountiful, UT with Marc Eubank the Weatherman for KSL Channel 5.  We also had a polite conversation, and yes I probably embarrassed my wife.

Dick Norse - News Anchor
     I spoke briefly with Dick Norse the long time anchor of Channel 5 news at a 7-11 one evening while I was getting a slurpee.

Dave Fox - Sports Reporter
    I once helped coach a Lacrosse camp put on by Dave Fox the Channel 2 Sports Reporter.

     While I've flown almost a million miles the past 30 years, I've only flown first class a few times.   One time I sat next to Lucky Severson a national reporter, and another time I sat by Rick Majerus the basketball coach.   We had nice conversations and they were a lot of fun to talk to.

     While he is related to me and named after my Grandfather, I had never met Coach Edwards until we were having dinner at the Mandarin Chinese Restaurant in Bountiful, UT and he was in line waiting for dinner one evening.   I introduced myself, told him who I was, and we had a nice conversation.

     One summer we were at Sundance Ski Resort taking photographs for a school group I was participating in and Robert Redford walked by.  He stopped and shook all of our hands and we spoke briefly with him.

     When I was 11 or 12 I attended a small private church service where my father conducted, my mother led the singing and I played the Piano.  Among the 20 or so people attending were Marie and Jay Osmond.   So I guess technically I could claim that I accompanied Marie Osmond while she sang at a private gathering when I was 12.  

Last of all, here are my "Almost met them" encounters.

Paul McCartney -- Almost...
     One time when I was visiting NBC Studios the phone guy said we should take a walk, and that I should act cool, not point, and not draw attention to us.  We walked outside the NBC Commissary across the street from the Tonight Show Studio and he said we should wait there for a minute.   I asked why, and he said to not ask questions and that we weren't supposed to stalk "the talent".    A moment later a limo drove up and Paul McCartney got out.  He was going to be a guest on the Tonight Show that evening.  I asked what happens next and was told to be cool, sometimes we get to meet "the talent".   One of the women we were waiting with yelled over for Paul and asked him to come and speak with us.  He stopped, waved, yelled hello, and walked into the Tonight show sound stage.   I didn't get to meet him, but it's the closest I've ever ben to a Beatle.

James Taylor -- Almost…
     For my last encounter, I have my wife to thank for keeping me for making a fool of myself.  Since I was a young , James Taylor was my favorite music artist.  I was given a Fire & Rain album by my Aunt and I listened to that album until I had every inflection and every word memorized.   I saw JT in concert a couple of times and really enjoyed it.  One year he came in concert to Salt Lake City and for some reason that I don't remember we didn't get concert tickets.  Either they were sold out or we couldn't afford them, or both.   At the time my wife was working on the heart team at LDS Hospital. 
     A few weeks after the concert she tells me an interesting story that quickens my heart rate.  Apparently James Taylor had a daughter that attended college with the daughter of one of the Surgeons that my wife worked with at the hospital.  When the doctor heard that James Taylor was coming to down they invited him to stay at their home instead of getting a hotel.  He accepted that invitation and spent the evening at the physicians home.  I asked my wife why she waited until weeks after the concert to tell me and I told her I could have run right over there to meet him.   She  told me that the reason was she hadn't told me was because she was sure I would run right over to meet him.
     So while I was sad that I didn't meet him, I'm also grateful that I didn't run over and make a fool of myself.  I've got the rest of my life to do that.

Bob Edwards is owner of Comm One LLC which develops and sells Comm One Call Accounting Software for tracking telephone calls for business.  You can view more stories on the Comm One Bog at or you can contact Bob directly at 801-523-9797 or